(MSN) - South African-based mining company Sibanye-Stillwater is one of the world’s largest primary producers of platinum, palladium and rhodium, as well as a top-tier gold producer. Perhaps surprisingly, it is also a large recycler, processing 310,000oz of platinum group metals in 2023 – representing 13.3% of the company’s revenue.
(The Hill) - The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced Tuesday that it will not defend a year-old rule requiring publicly held companies to disclose climate-related risks and in some cases the details of their emissions
(EHS Daily Advisor) - The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) raised its maximum penalties for regulatory, general, willful, or repeat safety and health violations, the agency announced January 27. Cal/OSHA is a division of the state’s Department of Industrial Relations (DIR).
(WO) – Chevron Corporation started water injection operations at two of its offshore projects to boost oil and gas recovery at the company’s existing Jack/St. Malo and Tahiti facilities in the deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
(Bloomberg) -- Koch Industries Inc., the second-largest closely held firm in the US, is changing its name after nearly six decades, along with its corporate structure.
(MSN) - Exxon Mobil aims to become a leading producer of lithium for electric vehicle batteries through a drilling operation the oil giant is launching in Arkansas, the company announced Monday.
Corn Success: Your corn may need a sulfur boost if following a cereal rye cover crop.
While the secondary macronutrient sulfur used to be adequately supplied through atmospheric deposition, times have changed, and we now receive almost zero sulfur via deposition.
Sulphur is the 4th major crop nutrient — sulfate sulphur and elemental sulphur play key roles in soil health.
This article reviews basic sulfur nutrition, recent trends affecting the need for fertilizers, and the contribution of sulfur to improving productivity sustainably.